Post-Relational Database Command Reference
A Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
ABSReturns the unsigned value.
ACOSReturns the arc-cosine.
ASINCalculates the arc-sine.
ATANCalculates the arc-tangent.
C Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
COSReturns the cosine.
COSHCalculates the hyberbolic cosine.
D Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
DIVDivides and throws away the remainder.
DTXConvert Decimal to Hex.
E Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
EBCDICConverts string to IBM ebcdic code.
R Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
REMWhen used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it calculates the remainders from division.
S Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
T Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
TANCalculates the tangent.
TANHCalculates the hyberbolic tangent.
X Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
XTDConverts a hexidecimal value to an integer.
Symbol Index: A  C  D  E  R  S  T  X  Symbol  
*When used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it is used as multiplication.
+Symbol for addition.
-Symbol for subtraction or unary minus.
/Symbol for division.
=Symbol for equals (boolean test) or assignment.

More Details or Suggestions?

MV Updated from a Post-Relational data table on 10:18:38 23 Apr 2010
Courtesy of Key Ally, Inc.
General Automation is a Trademark of Tiger Logic

Post-Relational (adjective) relating to databases which are a superset of SQL and XML, offering highly structured data with both relational and multi-value approaches available.

PRDB Reference (noun) repository of commands, concepts, and code designed for the various Post-Relational databases.