Post-Relational Database Command Reference
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ABORTStops execution and returns to command level.
ABSReturns the unsigned value.
ACOSReturns the arc-cosine.
ANDBoolean AND.
ASINCalculates the arc-sine.
ASSIGNEDDetermines if a variable has been assigned.
ATANCalculates the arc-tangent.
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BEGIN CASEBEGIN CASE and END CASE are designed to bracket a set of CASE statements.
BREAK KEYDetermins whether or not a user can issue a break command to interrupt the execution of a program.
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CALLTransfer control to a subroutine, with the expectation that control will transfer back when the subroutine encounters a RETURN.
CASECASE statements are a cleaner form of cascading IF-THEN-ELSE.
CHAINUse this command to transfer control from on program to another with no method for returning.
CHARUsed to produce a single character based on its ASCII value.
CHECKSUMPerforms an CRC checksum.
CLEARDEPRECIATED. Used to clear all variables. This hides typographic errors in variables and is considered poor programming practice.
CLEARDATAClears all data stacked by the DATA statement.
CLEARFILEDeletes all the records in a table's data section or dict section.
COL1Only works in conjunction with a FIELD statment.
COL2Only works in conjunction with the FIELD statement.
COMMONUsed to declare variables which persist after the completion of a called routine.
CONVERTConverts each individual character in the old string to the new string character based on position in each string
COSReturns the cosine.
COSHCalculates the hyberbolic cosine.
COUNTCounts the number of delimiters.
CREATEUsed with OPENSEQ to create new O/S files (Types 1 and 19).
CRTManages output to terminals.
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DATAAdds data to the stack, which will be consumed by the next EXECUTE.
DATEReturns the current date in internal format.
DCOUNTCounts the number of delimited fields.
DEBUGInvokes step-through mode for testing.
DELETEThere are two delete commands. Both are explained here.
DIMEstablishes the size of a dimensioned array.
DIMENSIONEstablishes the size of a dimensioned array.
DISPLAYManages output to terminals.
DIVDivides and throws away the remainder.
DODO is a looping command.
DTXConvert Decimal to Hex.
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EBCDICConverts string to IBM ebcdic code.
ECHOControls whether or not output to terminal (standard out) is suppressed.
ELSEIt is used only in conjunction with another branching command. THEN is the "Yes" path. ELSE is the "No" path.
ENDUsed by several different branching commands to end a conditional block of code. It can also be used to establish physical end of program, a point after which the compiler will ignore all text in a program.
END CASEBEGIN CASE and END CASE are designed to bracket a set of CASE statements.
ENTERUse this command to transfer control from on program to another with no method for returning.
EQUCan be used like an EQUATE to define literals.
EQUATECan be used like an EQU to define literals.
EXECUTEExecutes a command as if issued from the command line.
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FLUSHUsed with OPENSEQ to make sure all writes have completed.
FORThis is a looping command, which is a special form of branching command, designed to repeat a block of code.
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GOUse this command when you want to jump to a different point in the code with no need to return.
GOSUBGOSUB allows a program to detour to a label within the same program and then resume from the original point when it encounters a RETURN.
GOTOUse this command when you want to jump to a different point in the code with no need to return.
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ICONVConverts a literal or variable based on a supplied set of rules
IFThis is the primary branching command. I is used to include and excludeblocks of code dynamically at runtime.
INCLUDEAdd source code from an external source at compile time.
INPUTIFAllows several things to be mashed into a single, poorly thought out command. Use INPUT instead and increase readability.
INSERTAdd source code from an external source at compile time.
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LOCATEThere are two syntaxes for the LOCATE. Both are explained here.
LOOPInitiates a DO loop.
LOWERConverts the alphabetic characters to lowercase.
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MATSets each element of a dimensioned array to the same value.
MATBUILDConverts between dimensioned and dynamic arrays.
MATPARSEConverts between dimensioned and dynamic arrays.
MATREADIdentical to READ except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
MATREADUIdentical to READU except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
MATWRITE Identical to WRITE except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
MATWRITEUIdentical to WRITEU except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
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NEXTPart of the FOR loop.
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OCONVConverts a literal or variable based on a supplied set of rules.
OPENOPEN establishes a file handle.
ORBoolean OR.
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PERFORMExecutes a command as if issued from the command line.
PRINTManages output to terminals or printers.
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READRetrieves a record from the file and based on the record id
READURetrieves a record from the file and based on the record id and sets an update lock
READVRetrieves a field from a record from the file and based on the record id
READVURetrieves a field from record from the file and based on the record id and sets an update lock
REMWhen used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it calculates the remainders from division.
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STEPOptional part of the FOR command.
STOPStops execution and returns to command level.
STRCreates a repeating string.
SYSTEMThis is a way to get a lot of different data from the system. Some is generic to the entire system, some is specific to the state of your session.
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TANCalculates the tangent.
TANHCalculates the hyberbolic tangent.
THENIt is used only in conjunction with another branching command. THEN is the "Yes" path. ELSE is the "No" path.
TOUsed in FOR, EQU amd EQUATE.
TRIMConvert a string by compressing multiple blanks into single blanks and eliminating leading blanks and trailing blanks.
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UNTILManges the exit from a DO or FOR loop.
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WEOFW(rite) E(nd) O(f) F(ile) marker on a tape.
WHILEManges the exit from a DO or FOR loop.
WRITEWrites record back to a database table.
WRITEUWrites data back to the database.
WRITEVWrites one field back to a database table.
WRITEVUWrites field back to a database table.
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XTDConverts a hexidecimal value to an integer.
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!When used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it is used as a logical "OR".
#Symbol for not equals (boolean test).
$INCLUDEAdd source code from an external source at compile time.
$INSERTAdd source code from an external source at compile time.
*When used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it is used as multiplication.
+Symbol for addition.
-Symbol for subtraction or unary minus.
/Symbol for division.
<Symbol for boolean Less-Than compare. Also used as close angle bracket.
<>Symbol for not equals (boolean test). Also used as Angle brackets.
=Symbol for equals (boolean test) or assignment.
>Symbol for boolean Greater-Than compare. Also used as open angle bracket.
@Used in managing cursor positioning on terminals.
@AMIs a synonym for character 254, the Field Mark.
@FMIs a synonym for character 254, the Field Mark.
@SVMIs a synonym for character 252, the Subvalue Mark.
@VMIs a synonym for character 253, the Value Mark.
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BRANCHINGWithout branching, programs would execute each command once, in order. Branching allows us to repeat sections of code, perform some sections conditionally, and skip others based on external events.
CONSTANTSConstants are values which cannot change during the course of execution.
VARIABLESVariables are values which can change during the course of execution.
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ANGLESExample of Angle brackets.
ASSIGNMENTExample of Assignment handling
BOOLEANExample of Boolean logic
COMMENTCode which illustrates the three types of Comments
COUNTExample of different counting options.
CURSORCursor managment example.
DEFINEThis is how $DEFINE and its related commands work.
EQUATEThis is how constants are created.

More Details or Suggestions?

MV Updated from a Post-Relational data table on 10:18:38 23 Apr 2010
Courtesy of Key Ally, Inc.
General Automation is a Trademark of Tiger Logic

Post-Relational (adjective) relating to databases which are a superset of SQL and XML, offering highly structured data with both relational and multi-value approaches available.

PRDB Reference (noun) repository of commands, concepts, and code designed for the various Post-Relational databases.