Post-Relational Database Command Reference
C Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
CATSConcaternates strings in each corresponding element of a pair of dynamic arrays.
COL1Only works in conjunction with a FIELD statment.
COL2Only works in conjunction with the FIELD statement.
COUNTCounts the number of delimiters.
COUNTSCounts instances in a dynamic array.
D Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
DCOUNTCounts the number of delimited fields.
DELDeletes elements from a dynamic array.
DQUOTESurronds a string with Double quotes.
E Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
EQSCompares each element in the first dynamic array with each element in the second dynamic array, returning a dynamic array full of 1s (matches) and 0s (mismatches).
F Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
FIELDUsed to return a substring from a string located between a specified delimiter.
L Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
LENReturns the number of characters in a string.
LENDPThis variation on the LEN command distinguishes between byte length and display length, since NLS supports multi-byte characters.
LENSDetermines the length of each element in a dynamic array.
LENSDPThis variation on the LENS command distinguishes between byte length and display length, since NLS supports multi-byte characters.
Q Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
QUOTEEncloses a variable, literal, or expression result in double quotes.
S Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
SQUOTESurronds a string with Single quotes.
STRCreates a repeating string.
Symbol Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
:Concaternates strings
Code Index: C  D  E  F  L  Q  S  Symbol  Code  
COUNTExample of different counting options.

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MV Updated from a Post-Relational data table on 10:18:33 23 Apr 2010
Courtesy of Key Ally, Inc.
More information at U2-Users Group
UniVerse is a Trademark of Rocket Software. Previous, IBM, Informix, Ardent, and vMark.

Post-Relational (adjective) relating to databases which are a superset of SQL and XML, offering highly structured data with both relational and multi-value approaches available.

PRDB Reference (noun) repository of commands, concepts, and code designed for the various Post-Relational databases.