Post-Relational Database Command Reference
C Index: C  D  G  N  S  T  
CLEARDEPRECIATED. Used to clear all variables. This hides typographic errors in variables and is considered poor programming practice.
CLEARSELECTClears one or all active select lists.
COMMONUsed to declare variables which persist after the completion of a called routine.
D Index: C  D  G  N  S  T  
DATEReturns the current date in internal format.
DEBUGInvokes step-through mode for testing.
G Index: C  D  G  N  S  T  
GETLISTReturns a previous saved list. Contributed by Theo Aivazain
N Index: C  D  G  N  S  T  
S Index: C  D  G  N  S  T  
SELECTCreates a pointer to an unsorted list of Table IDs, suitable for use with READNEXT.
SENTENCERetrieves the raw command line input which invoked the program.
SLEEPThis command reliquishes time slices to other processes, making the currently executing program wait a specified number of seconds before resuming.
SYSTEMThis is a way to get a lot of different data from the system. Some is generic to the entire system, some is specific to the state of your session.
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TIMEReturns the seconds and miliseconds since midnight.
TIMEDATEShow the external format for the current time and date.
TIMEOUTSet the wait time before the system gives up in a READSEQ or Set the wait before the system gives up on a connection.
TTYCTLSets terminal characteristics on BSD (Berkely Unix) only.
TTYGETGets terminal characteristics.
TTYSETSets terminal characteristics.

More Details or Suggestions?

MV Updated from a Post-Relational data table on 10:18:33 23 Apr 2010
Courtesy of Key Ally, Inc.
More information at U2-Users Group
UniVerse is a Trademark of Rocket Software. Previous, IBM, Informix, Ardent, and vMark.

Post-Relational (adjective) relating to databases which are a superset of SQL and XML, offering highly structured data with both relational and multi-value approaches available.

PRDB Reference (noun) repository of commands, concepts, and code designed for the various Post-Relational databases.