A |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
ABORT | Stops execution and returns to command level. |
ABS | Returns the unsigned value. |
ABSS | Returns the unsigned value for each element of a dynamic array. |
ACOS | Returns the arc-cosine. |
ADDS | Adds two dynamic arrays together |
AND | Boolean AND. |
ASIN | Calculates the arc-sine. |
ASSIGNED | Determines if a variable has been assigned. |
ATAN | Calculates the arc-tangent. |
AUTHORIZATION | Used to change the user ID for SQL transactions. |
B |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
BEGIN CASE | BEGIN CASE and END CASE are designed to bracket a set of CASE statements. |
BEGIN TRANSACTION | Manages the isolation level. |
BITAND | Performs a logical AND at the bit level on two values. |
BITNOT | Performs a logical NOT at the bit level on two values. |
BITOR | Performs a logical OR at the bit level on two values. |
BITRESET | Sets the specified bit to zero. |
BITSET | Sets the specified bit to one. |
BITTEST | Tests the specified bit, returning a zero or one. |
BITXOR | Performs a logical Exclusive OR at the bit level on two values. |
BREAK KEY | Determins whether or not a user can issue a break command to interrupt the execution of a program. |
C |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
CALL | Transfer control to a subroutine, with the expectation that control will transfer back when the subroutine encounters a RETURN. |
CASE | CASE statements are a cleaner form of cascading IF-THEN-ELSE. |
CATS | Concaternates strings in each corresponding element of a pair of dynamic arrays. |
CHAIN | Use this command to transfer control from on program to another with no method for returning. |
CHANGE | Changes one string for another. |
CHAR | Used to produce a single character based on its ASCII value. |
CHECKSUM | Performs an CRC checksum. |
CLEAR | DEPRECIATED. Used to clear all variables. This hides typographic errors in variables and is considered poor programming practice. |
CLEARDATA | Clears all data stacked by the DATA statement. |
CLEARFILE | Deletes all the records in a table's data section or dict section. |
CLEARSELECT | Clears one or all active select lists. |
CLOSE | Releases all locks related to a file variable. |
CLOSESEQ | Releases all locks associated with a sequential file variable. |
COL1 | Only works in conjunction with a FIELD statment. |
COL2 | Only works in conjunction with the FIELD statement. |
COMMIT | Finalizes a TRANSACTION set. |
COMMON | Used to declare variables which persist after the completion of a called routine. |
COMPARE | Evaluates two strings and returns a -1, 0, or 1. |
CONTINUE | Skips to NEXT or RETURN in a loop. |
CONVERT | Converts each individual character in the <was> string to the <willbe> string character based on position in each string |
COS | Returns the cosine. |
COSH | Calculates the hyberbolic cosine. |
COUNT | Counts the number of delimiters. |
COUNTS | Counts instances in a dynamic array. |
CREATE | Used with OPENSEQ to create new O/S files (Types 1 and 19). |
CRT | Manages output to terminals. |
D |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
DATA | Adds data to the stack, which will be consumed by the next EXECUTE. |
DATE | Returns the current date in internal format. |
DCOUNT | Counts the number of delimited fields. |
DEBUG | Invokes step-through mode for testing. |
DEFFUN | Makes a function available withing a program. The function must exist in its own item. |
DEL | Deletes elements from a dynamic array. |
DELETE | There are two delete commands. Both are explained here. |
DELETELIST | Removes a record from the &SAVESLISTS& table. |
DELETEU | This command acquires an update lock before deleting the record. |
DIM | Establishes the size of a dimensioned array. |
DIMENSION | Establishes the size of a dimensioned array. |
DISPLAY | Manages output to terminals. |
DIV | Divides and throws away the remainder. |
DIVS | Interates division between two dynamic arrays and results in a new dynamic array. |
DO | DO is a looping command. |
DOWNCASE | Converts a string to lowercase, leaving all non-alphabetics unchanged. |
DQUOTE | Surronds a string with Double quotes. |
DTX | Convert Decimal to Hex. |
E |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
EBCDIC | Converts string to IBM ebcdic code. |
ECHO | Controls whether or not output to terminal (standard out) is suppressed. |
ELSE | It is used only in conjunction with another branching command. THEN is the "Yes" path. ELSE is the "No" path. |
END | Used by several different branching commands to end a conditional block of code. It can also be used to establish physical end of program, a point after which the compiler will ignore all text in a program. |
END CASE | BEGIN CASE and END CASE are designed to bracket a set of CASE statements. |
END ELSE | It is used only in conjunction with another branching command. THEN is the "Yes" path. END ELSE is the "No" path. |
ENTER | Use this command to transfer control from on program to another with no method for returning. |
EOF | Determines if you are at the end of the command line parameters. |
EQS | Compares each element in the first dynamic array with each element in the second dynamic array, returning a dynamic array full of 1s (matches) and 0s (mismatches). |
EQU | This command is used to define literals. |
EQUATE | This command is used to define literals. |
EREPLACE | Replaces one or more instances of a substring in a larger string. |
ERRMSG | Formats errors using the ERRMSG data. |
EXCHANGE | Converts a character based on it's hexidecimal value. |
EXECUTE | Executes a command as if issued from the command line. |
EXIT | Allows process to exit out of the innermost loop. Should be managed by proper use of the inherent UNTIL / WHILE structure. |
EXP | Returns the exponential value. |
EXTRACT | Extracts data from a dynamic array. |
F |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
FADD | Floating Point Addition |
FDIV | Floating point division. |
FFIX | Used to convert floating point to ffixed floating point strings. |
FFLT | Converts to 13 decimal places. Uses scientific notation when needed. |
FIELD | Used to return a substring from a string located between a specified delimiter. |
FILEINFO | Provides information about a file. |
FILELOCK | Locks an entire table. |
FIND | Similar to the LOCATE, FIND allows you to search a dynamic array and return up to three positional values. |
FINDSTR | While FIND and LOCATE operate on entire elements, FINDSTR operates on substrings of elements. |
FIX | |
FLUSH | Used with OPENSEQ to make sure all writes have completed. |
FMT | This has been replaced by the implicit format. |
FMTS | |
FMUL | |
FOLD | Use this command to break a string into a dynamic array based on spaces and lengths. |
FOLDDP | This is a version of the FOLD command which is NLS safe. |
FOR | This is a looping command, which is a special form of branching command, designed to repeat a block of code. |
FSUB | |
FUNCTION | This is an alternative to the SUBROUTINE command. |
G |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
GET | Gets a command line argument |
GETLIST | Returns a previous saved list. Contributed by Theo Aivazain |
GETREM | Finds a legal value for the REMOVE. |
GETX | |
GO | Use this command when you want to jump to a different point in the code with no need to return. |
GOSUB | GOSUB allows a program to detour to a label within the same program and then resume from the original point when it encounters a RETURN. |
GOTO | Use this command when you want to jump to a different point in the code with no need to return. |
GTS | |
H |
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HUSH | |
I |
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ICONV | Converts a literal or variable based on a supplied set of rules |
IF | This is the primary branching command. I is used to include and excludeblocks of code dynamically at runtime. |
INCLUDE | Add source code from an external source at compile time. |
INPUT | Used to receive input from the default input device, which is usually a keyboard, but could be a scanner, or even another computer. |
INPUTCLEAR | Clears the type-ahead buffer (any characters already in the pipeline). |
INPUTDISP | This is not really a part of the INPUT family. Use CRT instead. |
INPUTDP | This is the NLS safe version of the INPUT command. |
INPUTERR | This is not really part of the INPUT family. INPUTERR writes a formated error message to the last line of teh termional, as defined by the TERM startment. |
INPUTIF | Allows several things to be mashed into a single, poorly thought out command. Use INPUT instead and increase readability. |
INPUTNULL | Defines any single character, that when input by itself should be converted into a null. |
INPUTTRAP | Selects a GOSUB branch based on the position of the entered character. |
INS | Adds values to dynamic arrays. |
INSERT | Add source code from an external source at compile time. There is a second INSERT command, which adds values to dynamic arrays. |
INT | Converts a variable by truncating the decimal portion. |
ITYPE | Translates a literal or variable using I-Descriptor syntax. This is one of the three DICT level syntaxes. The others are F-Correlative and A-Correlative. |
K |
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L |
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LEFT | |
LEN | Returns the number of characters in a string. |
LENDP | This variation on the LEN command distinguishes between byte length and display length, since NLS supports multi-byte characters. |
LENS | Determines the length of each element in a dynamic array. |
LENSDP | This variation on the LENS command distinguishes between byte length and display length, since NLS supports multi-byte characters. |
LES | |
LET | DEPRECIATED. Assignment command. |
LN | |
LOCATE | There are two syntaxes for the LOCATE. Both are explained here. |
LOCK | Allow for the locking of non-table related resources. |
LOOP | Initiates a DO loop. |
LOWER | Converts the alphabetic characters to lowercase. |
LTS | |
M |
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MAT | Sets each element of a dimensioned array to the same value. |
MATBUILD | Converts between dimensioned and dynamic arrays. |
MATPARSE | Converts between dimensioned and dynamic arrays. |
MATREAD | Identical to READ except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array. |
MATREADU | Identical to READU except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array. |
MATWRITE | Identical to WRITE except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array. |
MATWRITEU | Identical to WRITEU except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array. |
MOD | |
MODS | |
MULS | |
N |
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NAP | |
NEG | |
NEGS | |
NES | |
NEXT | Part of the FOR loop. |
NOT | NOT reverses the logic of a boolean test. True is false. False is true. |
NOTS | Used to do a NOT (reverse logic) test on each element of a synamic array. |
NULL | A compiler directive used to represent a NOOP condition. It means 'do nothing at this step.' |
NUM | Returns true if the value is numeric. |
NUMS | |
O |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
OCONV | Converts a literal or variable based on a supplied set of rules. |
ON | Use ON as part of the GOSUB command or as part of the WRITE command. |
OPEN | OPEN establishes a file handle. |
OPENCHECK | OPENCHECK establishes an SQL file handle. |
OR | Boolean OR. |
ORS | |
P |
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PAGE | Forces output to advance to a new page, first triggering a footer, if any, then paging, then triggering a header if any. |
PERFORM | Executes a command as if issued from the command line. |
PRINT | Manages output to terminals or printers. |
PROCREAD | Reads the primary input buffer from the calling PROC. |
PROCWRITE | Updates the input buffer of the calling PROC. |
PROMPT | Changes the single character used by the INPUT family of commands. |
PWR | |
Q |
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QUOTE | Encloses a variable, literal, or expression result in double quotes. |
R |
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RAISE | Promotes @VM to @FM. Promotes @SVM to @VM. And so on. |
RANDOMIZE | Seeds the RND function. |
READ | Retrieves a record from the file and based on the record id |
READNEXT | Gets a value (typically an ID) from a select list, then moves the pointer forward to the next value. |
READU | Retrieves a record from the file and based on the record id and sets an update lock |
READV | Retrieves a field from a record from the file and based on the record id |
READVU | Retrieves a field from record from the file and based on the record id and sets an update lock |
REAL | |
REM | When used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it calculates the remainders from division. |
REPEAT | This command indicates the end of a LOOP. |
RETURN | Used to mark the end of a local subroutine (See: GOSUB) or external subroutine (See: CALL). |
RND | Produces pseudo-random numbers. |
S |
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SADD | |
SCMP | |
SDIV | |
SEEK | Similar to GET(ARG.), SET(ARG.) also auto-advances the pointer to the next element. |
SELECT | Creates a pointer to an unsorted list of Table IDs, suitable for use with READNEXT. |
SEND | |
SENTENCE | Retrieves the raw command line input which invoked the program. |
SETLOCALE | Part of the National Language Support package. SETLOCATE allows you to control which affects of NLS are used. |
SETREM | Sets a pointer for the REMOVE. With NLS active, you are able to set the wrong spot due to multibyte issues. To protect yourself, use GETREM to determine the value for SETREM. |
SIN | Returns the sine of a number. |
SINH | Returns the hyperbolic sine. |
SLEEP | This command reliquishes time slices to other processes, making the currently executing program wait a specified number of seconds before resuming. |
SMUL | |
SOUNDEX | Converts a string into a BELL LABS soundex equivilent. |
SQRT | Returns the square root. |
SQUOTE | Surronds a string with Single quotes. |
SSUB | |
STEP | Optional part of the FOR command. |
STOP | Stops execution and returns to command level. |
STR | Creates a repeating string. |
STRS | |
SUBR | Marks a program as a subroutine. |
SUBROUTINE | Marks a program as a subroutine. |
SUBS | Performs dynamic subtraction. |
SUM | |
SYSTEM | This is a way to get a lot of different data from the system. Some is generic to the entire system, some is specific to the state of your session. |
T |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
TAN | Calculates the tangent. |
TANH | Calculates the hyberbolic tangent. |
THEN | It is used only in conjunction with another branching command. THEN is the "Yes" path. ELSE is the "No" path. |
TIME | Returns the seconds and miliseconds since midnight. |
TIMEDATE | Show the external format for the current time and date. |
TIMEOUT | Set the wait time before the system gives up in a READSEQ or Set the wait before the system gives up on a connection. |
TO | Used in FOR, EQU, and EQUATE. |
TRANS | Converts a value by translating it against another table. |
TRANSACTION ABORT | Aborts all of the work since TRANSACTION START was issued. |
TRIM | Convert a string by compressing multiple blanks into single blanks and eliminating leading blanks and trailing blanks. |
TRIMB | Converts a string by removing trailing blanks. |
TRIMBS | Coverts each element in a dynamic array by removing trailing blanks. |
TRIMF | Converts a string by removing leading blanks. |
TRIMFS | Coverts each element in a dynamic array by removing leading blanks. |
TRIMS | Convert a string by compressing multiple blanks into single blanks and eliminating leading blanks and trailing blanks. |
TTYCTL | Sets terminal characteristics on BSD (Berkely Unix) only. |
TTYGET | Gets terminal characteristics. |
TTYSET | Sets terminal characteristics. |
U |
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UNASSIGNED | Determines if a variable has been assigned. |
UNLOCK | Release a resource lock. |
UNTIL | Manges the exit from a DO or FOR loop. |
UPCASE | Converts a string to uppercase, leaving all non-alphabetics unchanged. |
W |
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WEOF | W(rite) E(nd) O(f) F(ile) marker on a tape. |
WEOFSEQ | W(rite) E(nd) O(f) F(ile) marker on a sequential file. |
WHILE | Manges the exit from a DO or FOR loop. |
WRITE | Writes record back to a database table. |
WRITET | Writes data to a tape device.Contributed by Russ Watson |
WRITEU | Writes data back to the database. |
WRITEV | Writes one field back to a database table. |
WRITEVU | Writes field back to a database table. |
X |
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XLATE | Translates a value through a table. |
XTD | Converts a hexidecimal value to an integer. |
Symbol |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
! | When used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it is used as a logical "OR". |
# | Symbol for not equals (boolean test). |
$CHAIN | Compile time command which introduces additional source code. |
$COPYRIGHT | Embed a copyright message into the object code. |
$DEFINE | Can be used like an EQUATE to define literals, or as a compiler switch. |
$EJECT | Forces a Page Feed when list the source code. |
$ELSE | Used at compile time to test $DEFINEd values. |
$ENDIF | Used at compile time to test $DEFINEd values. |
$IFDEF | Used at compile time to test $DEFINEd values. |
$IFNDEF | Used at compile time to test $DEFINEd values. |
$INCLUDE | Add source code from an external source at compile time. |
$INSERT | Add source code from an external source at compile time. |
$MAP | Used in conjunction with NLS (National Language Support). |
$OPTIONS | Use $OPTIONS to manage compatability. |
$PAGE | Forces a Page Feed when list the source code. |
$UNDEFINE | Used at compile time to test $DEFINEd values. |
* | When used as the first non-whitespace character, it makes the line which follows it a remark. Otherwise, it is used as multiplication. |
+ | Symbol for addition. |
- | Symbol for subtraction or unary minus. |
/ | Symbol for division. |
: | Concaternates strings |
< | Symbol for boolean Less-Than compare. Also used as close angle bracket. |
<> | Symbol for not equals (boolean test). Also used as Angle brackets. |
= | Symbol for equals (boolean test) or assignment. |
> | Symbol for boolean Greater-Than compare. Also used as open angle bracket. |
@ | Used in managing cursor positioning on terminals. |
@AM | Is a synonym for character 254, the Field Mark. |
@FM | Is a synonym for character 254, the Field Mark. |
@SQL NULL | Is a synonym for SQL null. |
@SVM | Is a synonym for character 252, the Subvalue Mark. |
@VM | Is a synonym for character 253, the Value Mark. |
Idea |
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BRANCHING | Without branching, programs would execute each command once, in order. Branching allows us to repeat sections of code, perform some sections conditionally, and skip others based on external events. |
CASE 1 | CASE 1 is a common construct in BASIC. |
CONSTANTS | Constants are values which cannot change during the course of execution. |
VARIABLES | Variables are values which can change during the course of execution. |
Code |
Index: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Symbol Idea Code |
ANGLES | Example of Angle brackets. |
ASSIGNMENT | Example of Assignment handling |
BOOLEAN | Example of Boolean logic |
COMMANDLINE | Example of EOF and GET argument handlers |
COMMENT | Code which illustrates the three types of Comments |
COUNT | Example of different counting options. |
CURSOR | Cursor managment example. |
DEFINE | This is how $DEFINE and its related commands work. |
EQUATE | This is how constants are created. |
FUNCTION | Example of the FUNCTION and DEFFUN commands versus the SUBROUTINE and CALL commands. |
VALIDATION | Examples of validation logic. |
| | |